On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 09:03:16 +0200
Lars Noodin <larsnoo...@openoffice.org> wrote:

> bofh wrote:
> > http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/01/27/blowfish_poisoning/
> Actually, they knew what the deal was since only an unlicensed
> chef/restaurant would serve organ meat.  Even nicking the organs can be
> trouble, especially since there is seasonal and individual variation in
> the strength.
> A similar case decades ago ended differently.  Two having died in their
> home province were cremated right away and the third wasn't.  Because of
> paperwork the third had to be shipped back to his home province and,
> during the delay, woke up before cremation/burial/embalming.
> -Lars

In Haiti a similar species is used to drug "zombies".  Apparently you
can be paralyzed and aware of your situation (being burried and

Dhu (yeah, I know, off topic.  In fact so far off topic that I had to stick an
oar in;-)


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