I have installed recently mp3blaster (version 3.2.1) using pkg_add.
However, when I try to play any mp3 file it gives the following
message: "Sound device control error". Then I have installed it
through ports systems (version 3.2.1). Nevertheless, I keep receiving
the same message. Finally, I have downloaded the latest version of
this software (3.2.5) from the Internet
(http://mp3blaster.sourceforge.net/), and then I could get it working
perfectly. I have searched on the Internet for a solution but I did
not have any success. I can listen to my mp3 files with this newer
version, but I would like to know if any of you has experienced such a
problem before. Isn't it the case of upgrading mp3blaster package in
both the repositories and the ports system?

Thanks in advance for the attention to this message.

Joco Salvatti
Graduated in Computer Science
Federal University of Para - UFPA - Brazil
E-Mail: salva...@gmail.com

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