Yes. Sorry for the self-contradiction. It's been a long day.

Just to be sure, I re-installed Ubuntu, and I'm currently doing a
system software upgrade with one NIC, and am logged in over the other
NIC and running top. (Plus it sees the onboard NIC, but I don't have
anything plugged into that.)


On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 5:07 PM, patrick keshishian <> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 4:51 PM, John Mark Schofield <> wrote:
>> This is looking to me like a bad slot on the motherboard. Which
>> stinks, as this machine is out of warranty. Anyone have any further
>> troubleshooting suggestions?
> Didn't you state earlier that you had tried the system with Ubuntu and
> the two NICs worked "flawlessly"?
> On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 8:02 PM, John Schofield <> wrote:
>> To further attempt to rule out bad hardware, I installed Linux (Ubuntu
>> 8.10). Both NICs operated flawlessly. (I realize that this is not
>> conclusive, as different OS's can exercise hardware in different
>> ways.)

Got root?

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