On Feb 20, 2009, at 8:37 AM, Lars Noodin wrote:
E-Mail is not an acceptable surrogate for a networked filesystem.


All right, I've had enough of your tilting at windmills.  This battle
has been fought and lost already.  E-mail is the de facto way to
collaborate, and that includes collaborating with documents and
files.  If you weren't supposed to send or receive binary attachments,
e-mail clients wouldn't allow it (nor MTAs, for that matter).  Even
UNIX command line e-mail clients have had this capability for... what,
decades?  Stop crying about your made-up rules that the protocol
standards don't seem to agree with.

There are a bunch of neat products out there that can strip _large_
attachments off and place them on a secure webserver, but these are
not a reasonable way to send _every_ attachment.

Some system administrators believe it's their place to tell entire
companies how they should do everything.  These administrators tend to
not be very employable.


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