Jesus Sanchez schrieb:
> forgot to say that the problem came as I switched to 4.4
>> Hi there, I've been using 4.3 on a two screens machine
>> with a ATI Radeon 9600 pro card. On 4.3 I had a xorg.config
>> wich worked perfectly with those two screens, setting them up
>> as a splited desk (xinerama I think), but know my config
>> don't works, and I don't know what can be the cause.
>> here is my actual non-working xorg config. Do you need
>> the output of any file?
>> -Jesus

Hello Jesus, hello list,
though I've no DualHead-BSD-Machine around here, I thought some parts of an xorg.conf of mine might help you, as I got a DualHead-Setup working with it.

Change #1:
 Section "Module"
 Load "fbdevhw"
(Might skip it, though, worked IIRC under GNU/Linux)

Change #2:
 Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
 Screen      1  "Screen1" LeftOf "Screen0"
(Note the "0" and "1" before the screens)

Change #3:
 Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "Monitor0"
 Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "Monitor1"
 Section "Device"
        Identifier  "Videocard0"
 Option "Monitor-CRT" "Monitor0"
 Section "Device"
        Identifier  "Videocard1"
 Option "Monitor-TMDS" "Monitor1"
(Used this, because I wanted to be "absolutely" sure about what monitor is connect where (DVI||VGA))


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Es mu_ dir gelingen, das zu tun, was erforderlich ist."
 -- Winston Churchill

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