On Tue, 24 Feb 2009, Hilco Wijbenga wrote:

2009/2/23 Jason Dixon <ja...@dixongroup.net>:
00 ext_if = "sk0"
01 int_if = "sk1"
03 set skip on lo
05 scrub in
07 nat on $ext_if from $int_if:network to any -> ($ext_if:0)
09 block in log all
10 pass in on $int_if inet keep state

I tried this and I'm afraid it doesn't work. I can't ping anymore,
neither from my own box nor from the firewall. This setup is basically
what I also found in the books I have, I guess. :-(

DHCP works (i.e. my box gets an IP from the DHCP daemon on the
firewall) and I can see maradns receiving requests from localhost (the
firewall) and from the int_if (my box) when I try to ping something.
It's all blocked by the firewall, though.

Are you sure that ext_if = "sk0" and int_if = "sk1" and not the other way round?

Btw, if you want you firewall to answer your ISP's ping packages, add the following line (11):
pass in on $ext_if inet proto icmp from any to $ext_if icmp-type echoreq


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