Even though this reminder is appreciated I am currently working with
Robert on an alternate solution to get him a fast build box.  We really
need donation funds to go to CVS & Network upgrade  at this time.

Don't be shy to shoot me an email if you have any questions.

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 10:51:09PM +0100, Mitja Mu?eni? wrote:
> A few days ago Robert Nagy (the OpenOffice.org port maintainer) added his
> request for a build box to www.openbsd.org/want.html. 
> OpenOffice.org 3 is a huge port to build and maintain, and a single build
> takes over 12 hours on the machine that Robert currently has and cannot
> afford to run anymore due to electricity costs. 
> A machine with a modern quad-core CPU would cut the build time in half or
> less, thus making Robert's work of bringing you a prebuilt and working
> OpenOffice.org package much simpler. He also got an offer for free hosting
> of the build machine, but the caveat is that it has to be in a 1U rack mount
> form.
> By helping Robert get a new rackmount server both issues (the build time and
> the cost of running) will be much improved, which will allow him to put more
> effort in maintaining the port. An entry-level rack server may look
> expensive, but considering the price of commercial office suites, such a
> machine does not cost more than a few commercial licences. 
> If you can donate towards the purchase of this build machine, please contact
> rob...@openbsd.org or make a Paypal donation directly to his e-mail. Since
> the initial call for donations on Undeadly (
> http://www.undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20090221214700&mode=expanded&;
> count=2 ), almost half of the required funds have already been received. 
> So please step forward and help the developer get the tools for his work!
> Thank you,
> Mitja

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