On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 11:48:17AM +0100, ropers wrote:
| 2009/3/6 Pedro la Peu <pe...@am-gen.org>:
| >
| > Umsm(4) are commonly pre-configured.
| I've just noticed that the web-based openbsd.org man pages are
| case-sensitive. Observe:
| http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=Umsm
| http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=umsm
| Is this intended behaviour or a bug?

Behaves quite like the commandline manpages :

[we...@caprese] $ man Umsm
man: no entry for Umsm in the manual.
[we...@caprese] $ man umsm
...(manpage is shown)...

I'm not sure if it's intended, but it sure seems natural to me.


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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