hmm, on Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 07:54:53PM +0000, Stefan Sperling said that
> On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 07:26:21PM +0100, Thomas Pfaff wrote:
> > $ sudo pkg_add -ui
> > ...
> > libglade2-2.6.2p2 (extracting): complete
> > libglade2-2.6.2p2 (deleting): complete
> > libglade2-2.6.2p2 (installing): complete
> > 
> > Maybe I'm just slow or haven't read the relevant FAQ,
> > but what does this mean? (4.5-current using snapshot
> > packages).
> I think this means that some library in base or in ports that
> libglade depends on was updated. libglade itself was not updated,
> but recompiled against fresh dependencies.

isn't that an update then?

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