On 24 March 2009 G. 20:59:05 Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2009-03-24, Vadim Zhukov <persg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello all.
> >
> > As far as I remember, error message "pf: state key linking mismatch"
> > is not something anyone want to see on his console. For me it means
> > now that at some time machine will freeze up. Last tested kernel is
> > GENERIC one from the fresh snapshot (March, 23).
> >
> > Machine is (still) test proxy with 3 NICs: 2 two-port Intel gigabit
> > cards and internal BroadCom one, see dmesg below for details. One
> > NIC connects via its ports to different provider uplinks, and other
> > NICs are connected to LAN(s). More details may be found in PR 6095.
> >
> > A few minutes ago machine freezed, being stopped in
> > pf_icmp_mapping(). Keyboard did not work, and as far as I discovered
> > it fails to work in UKC, but that's totally different case I do not
> > bother much: there is SSH. So bad news are that I do not have "ps"
> > and "trace" output, sorry... There is no serial console either. :(
> > There is photo, though:
> So it should be short enough to re-type, yes? That will be easier than
> have whoever is interested in looking at this try and view your photo
> and find the URL isn't accessible.

Oops... I simply sent file over scp and didn't checked that KMail
extracted it (photographer is my co-worker, he sent photo attached in
private email) to /tmp with mode 0400... Sorry to all tried and
failed. :( Fixed now. And no, it was not short enough, until
skipping "linking mismatch" messages. But here it is without them:

kernel: page fault trap, code=0
Stopped at      pf_icmp_mapping+0x38:   movzwl  0x4(%rax),%eax

> Can you try a different type of keyboard though (PS/2 vs USB, or maybe
> even just change keyboard emulation settings in the BIOS)), or try and
> arrange serial console in case it happens again? it might be useful
> to get that trace.

As far as I remember, USB keyboards are useless in ddb(4) - am I wrong?
Of course, I tried different PS/2 keyboards, that worked fine on another
machines - just fail. There were other issues with keyboard
(controller), even during install, but I was too busy to worry about it.

Yes, I know that serial console should be very useful, but current
situation in my company do not give me opportunity to order one for
minimum next two months. :(

"pf: state key linking mismatch" message is very easy reproducible for
me, though: not directly ("touch that and it will happen"), but often
enough ("it'll eventually happen in a minute, just open and close some

  Best wishes,
    Vadim Zhukov

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