El miC), 01-04-2009 a las 16:14 +1300, richardtoo...@paradise.net.nz
> Quoting OpenBSD <openbbs...@gmail.com>:
> > Hello
> > 
> > Could somebody please tell me how to use a dvd-rw as user?
> > I'am trying to install Slackware using qemu, and the dvd does not work
> > properly, it works well as root.
> > I've tried adding the user to operator group, users group, and declaring
> > it at fstab without optimum results.
> > 
> > BTW, when i try to open the file manager as root, it say "the
> > conversation with su have fail"; how can i correct this?
> > 
> > OS: amd64, desktop: kde, OpenBSD version: 4.4
> > 
> > -- 
> > OpenBSD <openbbs...@gmail.com>
> >  
> Did you search the archives?
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&w=2&r=1&s=conversation&q=b

Nop, i did not know how to do it, thank for the link!
After i searched the archives, i got an idea, creating a dvd group and
adding user to it.

i do not have any problem mounting the dvd, as root or at user desktop;
the problem is when i do $ qemu -hda slackware.img -cdrom /dev/cd0a
-boot d -m 128, at this time the dvd has been mounted by root, and it
fails accessing the dvd.

I can read files at the mounted dvd, when qemu fails.

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