On Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 11:50:08AM +0200, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> Garry Dolley wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 02:17:41PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> >> On 2009-04-03, Garry Dolley <gdol...@arpnetworks.com> wrote:
> >>> Dear misc,
> >>>
> >>> Is it possible to have a git0 tunnel that accepts a remote endpoint
> >>> of any address?  I'm trying to set up a 6to4 anycast relay router.
> >> 6to4 is not gif.
> >
> > Weird, because it works as 6to4.  I'm tunneling IPv6 packets over it
> > from a Linux box (static endpoint) that has a 6to4 tunnel whose
> > endpoint is my OpenBSD box.
> That is because 6to4 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6to4) uses proto-41
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6in4).


> The major difference and also the concern for security is that the
> remote endpoint (where the packet will be forwarded to) is determined
> from the IPv6 address, eg 2002:aabb:ccdd:: becomes aa.bb.cc.dd.
> There are a lot of security pitfalls in 6to4 and if I recall correctly
> that is the reason why OpenBSD does not support 6to4. IMHO that was a
> just decision.
> As a side-note, there has been talk in the IETF to deprecate 6to4,
> especially the anycast version. Mostly though due to the many many many
> issues that come along with actually operating 6to4 anycast on a larger
> scale. (Try debugging 6to4 anycasted when there are 10 networks between
> you and the remote site, and you can only do traceroutes from your hosts
> and don't have a view at all at any of the other hosts/routers in the
> middle: impossible)
> Proto-41 itself is also easily subjective to spoofing as long as one can
> spoof IPv4 packets anywhere on a connected network and can get them to
> the host.


> >> OpenBSD does not support 6to4.
> >
> > Can a gif0 tunnel be set up with dynamic endpoints?
> If you add the heartbeat protocol this can work. Otherwise proto-41
> doesn't have support for dynamic endpoints (unless you manually script
> it, then again, heartbeat is not that far away from that in some cases ;)

All great information, thanks for the explanations!

Garry Dolley
ARP Networks, Inc. | http://www.arpnetworks.com | (818) 206-0181
Data center, VPS, and IP Transit solutions
Member Los Angeles County REACT, Unit 336 | WQGK336
Blog http://scie.nti.st

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