On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 04:58:38PM -0400, Nick Guenther wrote:
> I'm trying to make my torrents get started with my server. A script is
> at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-859543.html that starts
> it up in a detached screen session, but obviously the linux-ism of
> that script won't work here. I pulled out the important bits and just
> to start off wrote this script which I placed in ~/bin/scr:
> #!/bin/sh
> TAG=TAG=`date +%H%M%S`
> sudo -u kousu -H /usr/local/bin/screen -d -m -S $TAG
> If I run this script as myself or as root (to simulate running as
> /etc/rc) it works:
> $ sh bin/scr
> $ screen -ls
> There is a screen on:
>         21423.152001    (Detached)
> 1 Socket in /tmp/uscreens/S-kousu.
> $ sudo su
> # cd /
> # sh /home/kousu/bin/scr
> # ^D
> $ screen -ls
> There are screens on:
>         21423.152001    (Detached)
>         22840.152333    (Detached)
> 2 Sockets in /tmp/uscreens/S-kousu.
> $
> So I added this to rc.local:
> sh /home/kousu/bin/scr
> But whenever I reboot I get this:
> $ screen -ls
> There is a screen on:
>         12042.151112    (Dead ???)
> Remove dead screens with 'screen -wipe'.
> 1 Socket in /tmp/uscreens/S-kousu.
> I tried moving the "sh /home/kousu/bin/scr" to the very last line of
> /etc/rc just in case, right before "exit 0" but still no luck.
> I took a look at all the environment variables in the working and
> broken cases and even copied all except the SUDO_* and SSH_* into my
> script and got no difference, so the only remaining difference between
> when I run it as a logged in user and when the system runs it for me
> is that /etc/rc gets run under the the login class 'daemon'. But even
> that seems wrong since I just added a test user with login class
> 'daemon', su'd in, and ran my script and when I came back to my user
> account had a shiny new screen session waiting for me.
> My only remaining theory is that getty(8) or login(1) is resetting the
> terminals which might make screen(1) sad, but I have no idea how to
> get error messages out of screen at boot time.
> Interestingly, running rtorrent from my crontab as "@reboot screen -fa
> -d -m -S torrents rtorrent" (thanks
> http://www.plouj.com/blog/2008/03/31/howto-run-rtorrent-from-cron-inside-screen)
> works and is simpler than having to sudo -u and give full paths for
> everything so I'll just stick with that.
> I'd still like to know what's going on here. Running things from boot
> scripts appearently works on Linux, and a guy I asked last night
> seemed to think my method should work on FreeBSD, so what is OpenBSD
> doing that's upsetting screen?
> Thanks for your attention,
> -Nick

Why don't you use btpd (it's in ports).


I use it to make exactly what you mean (and then btcli to monitor from
    time to time).

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