2009/4/6 Mark - obsd list <m...@nerdish.us>:
> I sure hope this is just a troll. He has written "OpenBSD" in just about
> every way that won't work and is ignoring everyone telling him repeatedly
> that he has to capitalize BSD.

I'm actually a little bit sympathetic towards people not copping on to
the fact that capitalization matters with the URL's path here. Why,
you ask?

Because URL design is just not very self-consistent:

- The host name part is case-insensitive.
- The path and/or rest of a URL is frequently case-sensitive.


- The host name notation is least-significant-part first.
- The path notation is most-significant-part first.


Throw in a ? and & and & and almost everything goes -- and the URL has
gotten too long for many users to remember and reliably retype.


Oh, and the #anchors are probably case-sensitive again.


Ironically, one of the few ways to sort of "fix" this is to be very
rich and use Windows. No, really. You'd burn a huge pile of cash and
apply for your own tld ( and I do mean *T*ld, cf.
http://tech.slashdot.org/tech/08/06/26/1814205.shtml ), and then you'd
use a web server with a case-insensitive file system. AFAIK the most
common one of those is IIS (and if that doesn't scare you...)
The result: http://oneworddomainname/case/insensitive/path/

Ha-ha-only-serious. ;-/



PS: Yes, yes, I know, there's Apache's mod_speling.c; don't tell me.
And yes, contrary to what is says in this FAQ [
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/misc/FAQ-H.html#rewrite-nocase ],
Unix *can* deal with case-insensitive file systems, and you probably
*could* mount one of those on /var/www, but anyway, the first step is
admitting that you have a problem.

"Hi, I'm ropers, and I'm a webmaster."

PPS: On a less OT note: Just out of curiosity and for shits and
giggles: Can anyone suggest a decent and fast case-insensitive file
system for such and/or similar uses? Is there a way to make FFS
partitions case-insensitive? I'm not talking about partitions that the
OS would be installed on; I'm just asking about partitions that could
be mounted at /var/www or wherever.

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