On Tue, 14 Apr 2009, Jean-Frangois SIMON wrote:

> Hi,
> That's why i asked the man ref / link, i could'nt find anything.
> But i see some do not understand what being patient with begininers mean.
> It's only few months i now use this system but it's really not easy
> thought theres a lot of documentations sometimes it's not easy to find
> where, is'nt it ?!

Common, it has nothing to do with being a beginner.
Did you read the FAQ, i.e Frequently Asked Questions?

You call me impatient but you have been using this system "only few 
months". How much time should I wait? A couple of years?

This pissed me off because there are very talented people writing very 
fine documentation and there are other people translating it into most 
major languages. I'm sorry but there is no excuse not to read or at 
least refer to the FAQ when you encounter an issue. People give their 
time for this.


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