

For several weeks I was battering with Raid 1 and OpenBSD. I had some help
from a few people, specifically Alexis de BRUYN who frequents this list
often, but I never managed to get it working. Basically what happened was it
would seam to work all the way up to copying the data and parity using these
two commands;


raidctl -vF component0 raid0
raidctl -vP raid0


 When I run the first command, I would get the "quiescence reached." but the
ETA bar wouldn't appear, the system would then hang and just stopped, not
panic or crash.just sit there. Being quite new to OpenBSD I was sure this
was me being stupid, typing a command wrong or something, I was following
this guide http://www.linux.com/articles/52713 so I wasn't sure if something
was wrong in the guide. Eventually, I had to give up and put it down to
hardware problems but never getting a full answer. Alexis de BRUYN was sure
what I was doing was correct, so yesterday I fired up VMware and tried it
again, it worked, the ETA bar came up, I even managed to run the raidctl -vP
raid0 command (something I never got to do before).


So, it is a hardware problem; now the motherboard I am using is a Q35
chipset board, quite new chipset really, it's the Gigabyte GA-Q35M-S2 which,
again, isn't a particularly old board. Being very anal, I believe any server
running should have RAID 1 for the OS unless it's doing nothing special at
all, so for RAID to not be working, especially on a board which isn't that
old, is a bit worrying for me. Ok, the board is a desktop board not a server
board (it suffices for this project) but I still think it should be working
with a popular chipset such as this. I want to help out the community if I
can and I wondered if I doing some testing was worth it. Someone could have
a simple answer of "it's not a highly used board so we don't bother" or
something along those lines, but I thought as I've spent some time
investigating this and I have a second Q35 board lying around I can test it
on again, if someone thinks I should carry out some tests of RAID and this
board/chipset, I will go ahead and report my findings. I can send any info
on the board if anyone wants it, to check the details over.


Let me know what you think



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