I forgot this piece from xorg.conf:
... standard xorg stuff ...
Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Screen0"
        Device     "Card0"
        Monitor    "Monitor0"
        SubSection "Display"
                Depth     24
                Virtual 3600 1200

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:52:09AM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> $ more .xinitrc                                                               
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xset b
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xset m 10/0
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xset fp+ /usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/terminus
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xset fp+ /usr/local/openoffice/share/fonts/truetype
> xrandr --output LVDS --auto
> xrandr --output VGA --auto --right-of LVDS
> scrotwm
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 05:40:38PM +0200, Tom???? Bod????r wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I don't try it yet so you can kick my ass if I'm missing something ;-)
> > 
> > Is there a possibility to just use xrandr(1) for switching between
> > outputs if my X work out of the box without xorg.conf?
> > Because I have 'not configured' for my Intel GM45.I read that support
> > for this chipset isn't full yet.When I have laptop in
> > docking station I have on HDMI-1 Dell E2209W with optimal resolution
> > 1680x1050/60Hz,but both (HDMI-1 and LVDS)
> > are working on 1024x768/60Hz which isn't so much usefull.
> > 
> > $ dmesg | grep vga
> > vga1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel GM45 Video" rev 0x07
> > wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
> > intagp0 at vga1
> > inteldrm0 at vga1: apic 2 int 16 (irq 11)
> > $ dmesg | grep GM45
> > pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel GM45 Host" rev 0x07
> > vga1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel GM45 Video" rev 0x07
> > "Intel GM45 Video" rev 0x07 at pci0 dev 2 function 1 not configured
> > $
> > 
> > $ xrandr --verbose
> > Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1440 x 900, maximum 1440 x 1440
> > VGA disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> >         Identifier: 0x3b
> >         Timestamp:  -753984668
> >         Subpixel:   unknown
> >         Clones:
> >         CRTCs:      0 1
> > LVDS connected 1440x900+0+0 (0x40) normal (normal left inverted right
> > x axis y axis) 304mm x 190mm
> >         Identifier: 0x3c
> >         Timestamp:  -753984668
> >         Subpixel:   horizontal rgb
> >         Clones:
> >         CRTC:       1
> >         CRTCs:      1
> >         EDID_DATA:
> >                 00ffffffffffff00320c400100000000
> >                 00120103901e13780ad7859359548c29
> >                 22505400000001010101010101010101
> >                 010101010101b027a08051841a303020
> >                 360030be1000001ab027a0805184e731
> >                 3020aa0030be1000001a000000fe0043
> >                 54303038803134315750320a00000000
> >                 00000000000000000002010a202000ea
> >         PANEL_FITTING: full
> >                 supported: center       full_aspect  full
> >         BACKLIGHT_CONTROL: combination
> >                 supported: native       legacy       combination  kernel
> >         BACKLIGHT: 101 (0x00000065) range:  (0,101)
> >   1440x900 (0x40)  101.6MHz +HSync -VSync *current +preferred
> >         h: width  1440 start 1488 end 1520 total 1824 skew    0 clock   
> > 55.7KHz
> >         v: height  900 start  903 end  909 total  926           clock   
> > 60.2Hz
> >   1440x900 (0x41)  101.6MHz +HSync -VSync
> >         h: width  1440 start 1488 end 1520 total 1824 skew    0 clock   
> > 55.7KHz
> >         v: height  900 start  910 end  920 total 1387           clock   
> > 40.2Hz
> >   1024x768 (0x42)   65.0MHz -HSync -VSync
> >         h: width  1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew    0 clock   
> > 48.4KHz
> >         v: height  768 start  771 end  777 total  806           clock   
> > 60.0Hz
> >   800x600 (0x43)   40.0MHz +HSync +VSync
> >         h: width   800 start  840 end  968 total 1056 skew    0 clock   
> > 37.9KHz
> >         v: height  600 start  601 end  605 total  628           clock   
> > 60.3Hz
> >   800x600 (0x44)   36.0MHz +HSync +VSync
> >         h: width   800 start  824 end  896 total 1024 skew    0 clock   
> > 35.2KHz
> >         v: height  600 start  601 end  603 total  625           clock   
> > 56.2Hz
> >   640x480 (0x45)   25.2MHz -HSync -VSync
> >         h: width   640 start  656 end  752 total  800 skew    0 clock   
> > 31.5KHz
> >         v: height  480 start  490 end  492 total  525           clock   
> > 59.9Hz
> > HDMI-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> >         Identifier: 0x3d
> >         Timestamp:  -753984668
> >         Subpixel:   unknown
> >         Clones:     HDMI-2
> >         CRTCs:      0 1
> > HDMI-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> >         Identifier: 0x3e
> >         Timestamp:  -753984668
> >         Subpixel:   unknown
> >         Clones:     HDMI-1
> >         CRTCs:      0 1
> > TV disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> >         Identifier: 0x3f
> >         Timestamp:  -753984668
> >         Subpixel:   unknown
> >         Clones:
> >         CRTCs:      0 1
> >         BOTTOM: 37 (0x00000025) range:  (0,100)
> >         RIGHT: 46 (0x0000002e) range:  (0,100)
> >         TOP: 36 (0x00000024) range:  (0,100)
> >         LEFT: 54 (0x00000036) range:  (0,100)
> >         TV_FORMAT: NTSC-M
> >                 supported: NTSC-M       NTSC-443     NTSC-J       PAL-M
> >                            PAL-N        PAL
> > $
> > 
> > $ uname -a
> > OpenBSD FQDN 4.5 GENERIC.MP#78 i386
> > $
> > 
> > -- 
> > http://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html

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