On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 9:47 AM, Sebastian Rother
<sebastian.rot...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Apr 2009 09:19:27 -0500
> Marco Peereboom <sl...@peereboom.us> wrote:
>> Bwahahahahaha there really is no end to your stupidity. Thanks for the
>> morning laugh.
>> <------- must be this tall to ride
>> |
>> |
>> |
>> |
>> |
>> <------- you
>> You are beyond any help.
> Thos who take my but-reports to fix their own crappy code should be
> more quiet. Don't you think so too Marco? Or wait: You found each
> bug yourself in softraid. ;)
> Go an fix NFS, go an fix the oBSD TCP/IP Stack(s) or go an fix your
> code. I think there's more to do then insulting me? Never knew I'm such
> a importent part of your life. :-)
> Btw: You'll solve everything by insulting me more and harder!


> Just don't wonder if people assume your mother would have been ashamed.
> But she actualy failed baldy during educating you.
> Kind regards,


> Sebastian

www.nealhogan.net          www.lambdaserver.com

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