hmm, on Mon, May 04, 2009 at 12:24:20PM +0200, Otto Moerbeek said that
> Check top(1) without a runing X first. You might have problems with
> interrupts. If that's the case, top should show prettu high interrupt %'s.
> Espcially some nvidia chipsets have these problems.
> If you are suffering from high interrupt load, try disabling acpirt(4)
> or if that does not work, acpi(4).

is that a typo?  did you mean acpiprt(4)?

amaaq$ man acpirt
man: no entry for acpirt in the manual.
amaaq$ man -k acpirt
acpirt: nothing appropriate

are there adverse effects in turning this (acpiprt) off?
what device is responsible for mapping the pci devices then?

(i have this problem btw)

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