Mark Shroyer wrote:
> On Tue, May 05, 2009 at 02:11:57PM +0200, Coert Waagmeester wrote:
>> I have installed dnsmasq on OpenBSD.
>> What is the best way to start it? Should I start it
>> from /etc/rc.securelevel, or rc.local?

> It's best not to think of this in terms of SysV-style init scripts.  In
> OpenBSD, shell commands in /etc/rc.local get run at boot time, so all
> you have to do is put some command in there to launch dnsmasq in any
> fashion that you see fit.  So it would suffice to simply add a line with
> "/usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq"; however, for consistency with the way things
> are launched in /etc/rc, I generally do something like the following:
> ,--- /etc/rc.local -----------
> if [ X"${dnsmasq_flags-NO}" != X"NO" -a -x /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq ]; then

Ooh how lovely to see someone else doin this! :-)

For the archives - if used consequently, this way makes it amazingly
easy to start only certain services via /etc/rc.local; e.g.

$ sudo dnsmasq_flags= sh /etc/rc.local


$ sudo sh /etc/rc.local

would not start anything

(well, unless you have stupid names for the variables in your /etc.rc
that matches eported variables from the shell and sudo is set up to pass
these on. That should not be the case very often)


>     echo -n ' dnsmasq'; /usr/local/sbin/dnsmasq ${dnsmasq_flags}
> fi
> `-----------------------------
> ,--- /etc/rc.conf.local ------
> dnsmasq_flags=
> `-----------------------------
> This way, if you want to temporarily disable dnsmasq, you can simply
> remove the line in rc.conf.local or change it to "dnsmasq_flags=NO".

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