--- Jose Perez Rodriguez [Fri, May 15, 2009 at 09:15:17PM +0200]: --- 
> Hi. Yesterday I was installing packages from the ftp and i was using this:
> "export PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.5/packages/i386/";
> "PKG_CACHE=/home/"
> "pkg_add ............."
> But when I install a package the package and the dependencies isn't in
> "/home". I have tried with "PKG_DIR=", "PKGDIR", and "PKG_TMPDIR=", but the
> result is the same. When I installed OpenBSD 4.4 (long time ago) I used
> "PKG_CACHE=" and it worked. What could it be? Is something wrong?

how long ago did this work for you? are you using sudo? if so your
environment is not being preserved.

read sudoers(5) and check out the env_keep option.

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