On 2009 May 18, at 4:27 PM, Philip Guenther wrote:

> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Ben Goren <b...@trumpetpower.com>  
> wrote:
> ...
>> A new kernel built, installed, and booted just fine. However, every
>> time I try to do a make build, it bombs out in the exact same spot.
>> I've re-run cvs without it finding any new / modified / deleted /  
>> etc.
>> files.
> What are the permissions on the /usr/include/kerberosV/ directory at
> the end of the build?
> Early on, you can see that it resets them from 700 to 755, but later
> error messages make it look like something in the build chmoded the
> directory back to 700.  Hmm, perhaps the permissions get copied from
> the source tree along the way.  What are the permissions on your
> source tree?  Are any of the include directories there mode 700?  If
> so, try changing them to 755 and give the build another shot.

Actually I think I might have it figured out. If so, your idea was  
certainly very close.

I have my umask set to 077 in my .profile. On a lark, before your note  
arrived, I set it to 022 and kicked off another make build. It seems  
to have made it past the point where it was bombing out. I'll send  
another note to the list to confirm (or deny) that that was the problem.

I'll leave it to The Powers That Be (TM) to decide if this is  
something worth checking for or documenting.



[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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