David - it looks like my mobile device did a horrendous job of
displaying your email so I apologise for coming off a bit half-cocked
in the last email (and despite it being so much more OT conversation
on the list, I still wanted to do it publicly).

2009/5/20 David Talkington <dt...@flyingjoke.org>:

> Kevin Wilcox wrote:

>> that practically necessitates IBM, Sun, HP or Dell hardware.
> No it doesn't.

That was based on my last review of the .pdf we received from our
VMWare rep that was, admittedly, some time ago. I just checked the
ESXi HCL and I'm glad to see that support has grown *substantially*,
particularly with them offering ESXi. So, my apologies for outdated

>> Skip the virtualisation cruft and install natively.
> That isn't a helpful or enlightened answer (not that one should expect help
> with this topic here).

Agreed. A better reply (though perhaps less relevant) would be,

O.P. - I do not have experience with OBSD on VMWare ESXi on a Soekris.
I do have quite a bit of experience with OpenBSD on VMWare ESX on
officially supported hardware and the results vary depending on load
and how much tweaking you may or may not have to do with your
configuration. For certain storage backends we have to do some minor
voodoo to the disk configuration before the VM is made aware of the
disk - this has caused several of our OpenBSD VMs to panic, an issue
that in no way, shape, form or fashion am I blaming on OpenBSD - that
problem lies with VMWare. On the other hand, I have virtualised
OpenBSD firewalls on plain configurations sitting in front of
virtualised servers (yes, it works for our needs) that never hiccup.
The latest I am using is 4.4 as I've been unable to take any of those
machines down for upgrade since receiving the 4.5 cds.

Because of the quirks that are introduced with running on top of
VMWare, if you have the hardware and this is a single use machine, I
can't stress highly enough that, if at all possible, you should skip
the virtualisation cruft and install natively. Performance *will* be
better, as will reliability and the chance of finding some form of
community assistance.

> O.P., you should start here for detailed ESXi hardware support info:
> http://www.vm-help.com/

And the official VMWare HCL here should you ever decide to move to
supported hardware:



To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that
of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others,
who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is
to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, bthe
guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the
fruits acquired by it.'

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