On Sat, 23 May 2009, ropers wrote:

> I don't know what causes your problem, but I saw this:
No kidding! Wonder why I sent the email to the list!

Why would MD reject an email when it is listed in the list members?

> 2009/5/22 L. V. Lammert <l...@omnitec.net>:
> >
> >        t...@ted.com
> >
> > Even though this email is listed correctly as a list member,
>   ^--  Here you say that t...@ted.com is listed correctly as a list member.
> > when MD
> > receives an email from this email address it gets rejected:
> >
> > Subject: BOUNCE list_memb...@ccsl.org:    Non-member submission from
> > <t...@ted.com>]
>   ^-- Here your MD appears to be telling you the opposite.

 Leland V. Lammert            l...@omnitec.net
  Chief Scientist        Omnitec Corporation
 Network/Internet Consultants www.omnitec.net

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