STeve Andre' wrote:
On Thursday 28 May 2009 21:24:33 Insan Praja SW wrote:
Hi Misc@,
I'm currently looking for some OpenBSD-friendly (OpenSource/Free)
WebHosting Management software. My colleagues seem to find a hardtimes for
this kind of software works with OpenBSD.
Any clue and input appreciated.


I'm not trying to be snarky here, but I would suggest...  ssh.

Today I've been dealing with phpMyAdmin, trying to get the beast
up, and I believe I have it and am getting mysql up.  But had I not
had to fight phpMyAdmin,  I'd have been farther along today.

This tendency to use gui tools for things isn't good.  No one can
possibly say that their security increases by using them--you
add complexity, and that always gives rise to new possibilities
of trouble.

But the worse problem here is that by using some tool to do
things, you haven't learned whats going on under the hood.
Not really.

--STeve Andre'

I really have to agree with this, even if this isn't the answer you want to hear. --Oh just saw your reply back --well make pretty buttons to go with proper command line responses that you would make, give them that proper walmart/mcdonalds feel, just keep them in the proper pasture!

Chris Bennett

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