On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 10:53:53PM +0400, Andrej Elizarov wrote:
> Thanks, i'll try.
> Just an idea. Signature is already cleared. How can i test it?

Step 1.  Google for nt disk signature.
Step 2.  Open the top search result, "Windows NT: Disk Management Basics", 
         a link at microsoft.com.
Step 3.  Search forward for disk signature.
Step 4.  Read this paragraph.
Step 5.  Think.
Step 6.  Search forward for disk signature again.  Look at the comments about
         the disk signature under the section labelled Master Boot Record,
         that shows a hexdump output of the first sector of a drive.
Step 7.  Think again.

The contents of this first sector can be edited.  The dd(1) program included 
with the ramdisk kernel will allow you copy the sector to a file on 
removeable media such as diskette or USB stick.  A hex editor would be
required on another platform could be used, then dd once again could be
deployed to write the modified sector back to hard drive.

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