On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 11:49 AM, Lars Nooden<lars.cura...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can't the legacy system be modified to work with FFS or EXT2?

Hi --

Are you addressing that question to me? If so, I'm really not sure I
understand your question. What do you mean by "the legacy system"? If
so, are you suggesting that perhaps XP can be modified to work with
FFS or ext2? The answer to that, I believe, is "no". While proudly not
a Windows expert, I believe XP supports only Microsoft filesystems --
ntfs, fat and fat32.

As I said in my previous post, pscp and another machine present a
simple workaround for this issue. I've got multiple machines, I rsync
my home directory from one to the other  when I have occasion to use
something other than my primary machine, and so it's a simple matter
to pscp file from the Windows filesystem to another machine running
OpenBSD or Linux (which I run on my old TP 600x, on which OpenBSD
doesn't fare too well, discussed in an earlier thread). This is needed
very rarely (typically only when I travel and get on the network via
wifi, which I do with Windows, just because it's easier) and so it's
probably not worth bothering to build a kernel to add ntfs support.


> -Lars

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