On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 03:56:48PM +0100, Gaby Vanhegan wrote:
> I have a machine that is running 4.3 bsd.mp, MySQL and one single site  
> of PHP scripts which keep crashing.  The frustrating thing is that it  
> doesn't panic the kernel so I can't get any DDB output, the machine  
> just locks up.  Looking at it over the KVM it just shows the login  
> prompt with the cursor flashing but not responding.
> Any suggestions about how I can try and figure out what's killing it?

My guess would be since you mention 4.3 and Apache, that you are running
out of amap.

$ vmstat -m | grep '^ *UVM amap'

Compare MemUse to the Limit.  Since updating to 4.5 I haven't had the

This worked for Nagios.

*   *   *   *   *   /usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_amap  > /dev/null || 
/home/andrew/apachectl stop wait start

. /usr/local/libexec/nagios/utils.sh

_sizes=`vmstat -m | awk '/^ *UVM amap/ { gsub("K", " "); print $4  " " $6}'`
_free=`dc -e "5 k ${_sizes} sm sc lm lc - lm / 100 * f" | sed -e 's/\.*0*$//'`

if [ ${_free%.*} -lt 25 ]; then
        echo WARNING: less than 25% amap free [${_free}%]!
        exit $STATE_WARNING

if [ ${_free%.*} -lt 10 ]; then
        echo CRITICAL: less than 10% amap free [${_free}%]!
        exit $STATE_CRITICAL

echo OK: [${_free}%] free
exit $STATE_OK

and you probably need

$ diff -u /usr/sbin/apachectl apachectl                                        
--- /usr/sbin/apachectl Tue May  5 21:44:28 2009
+++ apachectl   Wed Nov 19 09:49:28 2008
@@ -153,6 +153,19 @@
+    wait)
+            echo -n "$0 $ARG: "
+            while [ $RUNNING -eq 1 ]; do
+                if kill -0 $PID 2>/dev/null ; then
+                    #echo -n .
+                    sleep 1
+                else
+                    STATUS="httpd (pid $PID) not running"
+                    RUNNING=0
+                fi
+            done
+            echo ' httpd stopped'
+        ;;
        $LYNX $STATUSURL | awk ' /process$/ { print; exit } { print } '

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: and...@rraz.net

BOFH excuse of the day: Our ISP is having {switching,routing,SMDS,frame
    relay} problems

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