When you setup a https site on openbsd with the example httpd.conf,
the SSL Protocol SSLv2 and the SSL Ciphers medium and weak are available.

And when security metrics runs a PCI compliance
you may fail due to weak SSL Protocol and Ciphers

Here is the two lines I added under SSLEngine On
to modify the SSL to pass PCI compliance

 SSLProtocol all -SSLv2

I don't know if I needed to make "SSLProtocol" a separate line to disable SSLv2, the conf file suggests it can be in SSLCipherSuite., but what I did above passed
the pci compliance test.

BTW, I tried think I tried it with +Medium and failed. The default is something like

IF someone has something more elegant that passed the securitymetrics.com
test, do share.

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