Grab OpenBSD/4.5/sparc64/cd45.iso and see if you fair better.


On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 2:58 AM, Philippe Meunier<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently rescued an unused Sun Ultra 5/10 that was going to end up
> in the trash and I've been trying for several hours now to install
> OpenBSD on it with no success whatsoever.  It's a headless machine
> with one internal disk, a CD drive, a floppy drive, and what looks
> like a PCI card with two external VHDCI connectors.  It's running
> Solaris 2.7, and I'm connected to it through its serial port from a PC
> running -current.
> Here's Solaris's dmesg:
> ============================================================
> cpu0: SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi (upaid 0 impl 0x12 ver 0x13 clock 300 MHz)
> SunOS Release 5.7 Version Generic 64-bit [UNIX(R) System V Release 4.0]
> Copyright (c) 1983-1998, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> mem = 262144K (0x10000000)
> avail mem = 252346368
> Ethernet address = 8:0:20:9e:d7:72
> root nexus = Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 300MHz)
> pci0 at root: UPA 0x1f 0x0
> pci0 is /p...@1f,0
> PCI-device: p...@1,1, simba0
> PCI-device: p...@1, simba1
> PCI-device: i...@3, uata0
> dad0 at pci1095,6460 target 0 lun 0
> dad0 is /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/i...@3/d...@0,0
>        <Seagate Medalist 34342A cyl 8892 alt 2 hd 15 sec 63>
> root on /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/i...@3/d...@0,0:a fstype ufs
> PCI-device: e...@1, ebus0
> su0 at ebus0: offset 14,3083f8
> su0 is /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/e...@1/s...@14,3083f8
> su1 at ebus0: offset 14,3062f8
> su1 is /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/e...@1/s...@14,3062f8
> keyboard is </p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/e...@1/s...@14,3083f8> major <37> minor <0>
> mouse is </p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/e...@1/s...@14,3062f8> major <37> minor <1>
> se0 at ebus0: offset 14,400000
> se0 is /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/e...@1/s...@14,400000
> stdin is </p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/e...@1/s...@14,400000:a> major <20> minor <0>
> stdout is </p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/e...@1/s...@14,400000:a> major <20> minor <0>
> SUNW,hme0: CheerIO 2.0 (Rev Id = c1) Found
> PCI-device: netw...@1,1, hme0
> hme0 is /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/netw...@1,1
> ============================================================
> First I upgraded the PROM of the Ultra to the latest version and that
> was a walk in the park:
> ============================================================
> [before]
> # prtconf -V
> OBP 3.11.12 1998/05/19 11:30
> [after]
> # prtconf -V
> OBP 3.31.0 2001/07/25 20:36
> ============================================================
> I also used 'set-defaults' to restore the default NVRAM settings.
> Then I downloaded OpenBSD/snapshots/sparc64/install45.iso from a mirror,
> burned it to a CD-RW (using an OpenBSD laptop) by following the
> instructions from faq13.html#burnCD, then tried to boot the Ultra
> from the CD:
> ============================================================
> ok boot cdrom
> Resetting ...
> Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 300MHz), No Keyboard
> OpenBoot 3.31, 256 MB (60 ns) memory installed, Serial #10409842.
> Ethernet address 8:0:20:9e:d7:72, Host ID: 809ed772.
> Rebooting with command: boot cdrom
> Boot device: /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/i...@3/cd...@2,0:f  File and args:
> Can't read disk label.
> Can't open disk label package
> Evaluating: boot cdrom
> Can't open boot device
> ============================================================
> Trying to mount the CD using Solaris (after killing vold) failed as
> well:
> ============================================================
> # mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s0 /mnt
> mount: /dev/dsk/c0t2d0s0 no such device
> ============================================================
> Now I happen to have an old Solaris 2.6 installation CD around and I
> can both mount it (using the exact same command as above) or boot from
> it without problem.
> So my guess is that the machine has a cheap and/or old CD drive that
> has problems reading CD-RWs...
> Next I tried to install OpenBSD from Solaris, using one of the
> existing partitions:
> ============================================================
> # df -k
> Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
> /proc                      0       0       0     0%    /proc
> /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0    2052609  268088 1722943    14%    /
> /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1    1015332  668574  285839    71%    /usr
> fd                         0       0       0     0%    /dev/fd
> /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4     865694  237321  567775    30%    /home
> /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3     122986     967  109721     1%    /tmp
> ============================================================
> I used Solaris's newfs to re-create the file system on
> /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s4 (bye bye /home), mounted it on /mnt, downloaded
> bootblk, ofwboot, bsd, bsd.rd, base45.tgz, and etc45.tgz to /root
> (through the serial port, after tar-ing and uuencode-ing the whole
> thing; the Ultra is not connected to the network), copied bootblk and
> ofwboot to /mnt, used Solaris's installboot to install bootblk on
> /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s4, copied bsd and bsd.rd to /mnt, unpacked base45.tgz
> and etc45.tgz there, and then rebooted:
> ============================================================
> ok boot disk:e bsd
> [...]
> Boot device: /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/i...@3/d...@0,0:e  File and args: bsd
> OpenBSD IEEE 1275 Bootblock 1.1
> ..>> OpenBSD BOOT 1.3
> Memory Address not Aligned
> ok Data Access Exception
> ok Data Access Exception
> ok Data Access Exception
> ok Data Access Exception
> ok Data Access Exception
> [...]
> ============================================================
> The machine then went into an infinite loop printing 'Data Access
> Exception' and even sending it a BREAK wouldn't stop it so I had to
> power-cycle it.  Same thing when I tried bsd.rd.
> I don't think this looks very good, but I have no idea why ofwboot
> fails...
> Next I tried to go the miniroot way, just in case I had somehow messed
> up while trying to install from Solaris.  So I downloaded
> miniroot45.fs to the machine, used Solaris's dd to write it to the
> same partition as before and then tried to boot from it:
> ============================================================
> # dd if=miniroot45.fs of=/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s4 bs=64b
> 80+0 records in
> 80+0 records out
> # reboot
> [...]
> ok boot disk:e
> [...]
> Rebooting with command: boot disk:e
> Boot device: /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/i...@3/d...@0,0:e  File and args:
> OpenBSD IEEE 1275 Bootblock 1.1
> .
> ============================================================
> And the machine froze after printing the dot.
> While I was at it I also tried to boot from a floppy, first using
> floppyB45.fs (which I think is the right one for a PCI-based Ultra 10)
> and then floppy45.fs.  In both cases I got the same result:
> ============================================================
> ok boot floppy bsd
> Resetting ...
> Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 300MHz), No Keyboard
> OpenBoot 3.31, 256 MB (60 ns) memory installed, Serial #10409842.
> Ethernet address 8:0:20:9e:d7:72, Host ID: 809ed772.
> Rebooting with command: boot floppy bsd
> Boot device: /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/e...@1/fdthree  File and args: bsd
> Bad magic number in disk label
> Can't open disk label package
> Evaluating: boot floppy bsd
> Can't open boot device
> ============================================================
> So I'm starting to run out of solutions here...
> I thought about a possible hardware problem, but:
> - Solaris always boots fine no matter what
> - Solaris's fsck finds nothing wrong with the disk
> - I set the PROM's diag-switch? to true and diag-level to max and no
> problem was detected (as far as I can tell, at least):
> ============================================================
> Hardware Power ON
> @(#) Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI 3.31 Version 0 created 2001/07/25 20:36
> Probing keyboard Done
> %o0 = 0000.0000.0000.4001
> Executing Power On SelfTest
> @(#) Sun Ultra 5/10 (Darwin) POST 3.1.0 (Build No. 626) 13:56 on 06/27/00
> CPU: UltraSPARC-LC (Clock Frequency: 300MHz, Ecache Size:  512KB)
>        Init System BSS
>        NVRAM Battery Detect Test
>        NVRAM Scratch Addr Test
>        NVRAM Scratch Data Test
>        DMMU TLB Tag Access Test
>        DMMU TLB RAM Access Test
> Probe Ecache
>        Probe Ecache
> Ecache Tests
>        Ecache RAM Addr Test
>        Ecache Tag Addr Test
>        Ecache RAM Test
>        Ecache Tag Test
> All CPU Basic Tests
>        V9 Instruction Test
>        CPU Tick and Tick Compare Reg Test
>        CPU Soft Trap Test
>        CPU Softint Reg and Int Test
> All Basic MMU Tests
>        DMMU Primary Context Reg Test
>        DMMU Secondary Context Reg Test
>        DMMU TSB Reg Test
>        DMMU Tag Access Reg Test
>        DMMU VA Watchpoint Reg Test
>        DMMU PA Watchpoint Reg Test
>        IMMU TSB Reg Test
>        IMMU Tag Access Reg Test
> All Basic Cache Tests
>        Dcache RAM Test
>        Dcache Tag Test
>        Icache RAM Test
>        Icache Tag Test
>        Icache Next Test
>        Icache Predecode Test
> Memory Probe
>        Probe Memory
>                INFO: 11 bit column addressing detected
>                INFO:    128MB Bank 0
>                INFO:    128MB Bank 2
> Sabre MCU Control & Status Regs Init and Tests
>        Init Sabre MCU Control & Status Regs
>                Initializing SC registers in SabreIO
> Memory Init
>        Ecache Access Test
>        Malloc Post Memory
>        Memory Addr with Ecache
>        Load Post In Memory
>        Run POST from MEM
>        .........
> loaded POST in memory
>        Update Master Stack/Frame Pointers
> All FPU Basic Tests
>        FPU Regs Test
>        FPU Move Regs Test
>        FPU State Reg Test
>        FPU Functional Test
>        FPU Trap Test
> UPA Data Bus Line Test
> Memory Tests
>        Init Memory
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 0 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 0 stack 1
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 2 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 2 stack 1
>        Memory Addr with Ecache Test
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 0 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 0 stack 1
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 2 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 2 stack 1
>        ECC Memory Addr Test
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 0 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 0 stack 1
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 2 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 2 stack 1
>        Block Memory Addr Test
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 0 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 0 stack 1
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 2 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 2 stack 1
>        Block Memory Test
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 0 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
> Write 0x33333333.33333333
> Read
> Write 0x55555555.55555555
> Read
> Write 0xcccccccc.cccccccc
> Read
> Write 0xaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa
> Read
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 0 stack 1
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 2 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
> Write 0x33333333.33333333
> Read
> Write 0x55555555.55555555
> Read
> Write 0xcccccccc.cccccccc
> Read
> Write 0xaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa
> Read
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 2 stack 1
>        ECC Blk Memory Test
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 0 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
> Write 0xa5a5a5a5.a5a5a5a5
> Read
> Write 0x96969696.96969696
> Read
> Write 0xbbbbbbbb.bbbbbbbb
> Read
> Write 0xdddddddd.dddddddd
> Read
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 0 stack 1
>                INFO:    128MB at bank 2 stack 0 (2 dimms per bank)
> Write 0xa5a5a5a5.a5a5a5a5
> Read
> Write 0x96969696.96969696
> Read
> Write 0xbbbbbbbb.bbbbbbbb
> Read
> Write 0xdddddddd.dddddddd
> Read
>                INFO:      0MB at bank 2 stack 1
> All Basic Sabre MMU Tests
>        Init Sabre
>        PIO Decoder and BCT Test
>        PCI Byte Enable Test
>        Interrupt Map (short) Reg Test
>        Interrupt Set/Clr Reg Test
>        Sabre IOMMU Regs Test
>        Sabre IOMMU RAM Address Test
>        Sabre IOMMU CAM Address Test
>        IOMMU TLB Compare Test
>        IOMMU TLB Flush Test
>        PBMA PCI Config Space Regs Test
>        PBMA Control/Status Reg Test
>        PBMA Diag Reg Test
>        Sabre IO Regs Test
> All Advanced CPU Tests
>        DMMU Hit/Miss Test
>        IMMU Hit/Miss Test
>        DMMU Little Endian Test
>        IU ASI Access Test
>        FPU ASI Access Test
>        Ecache Thrash Test
> All CPU Error Reporting Tests
>        CPU Data Access Trap Test
>        CPU Addr Align Trap Test
>        DMMU Access Priv Page Test
>        DMMU Write Protected Page Test
> All Advanced Sabre IOMMU Tests
>        Init Sabre
>        Consist DMA Rd, IOMMU miss Ebus Test
>        Consist DMA Rd, IOMMU hit Ebus Test
>        Consist DMA Wr, IOMMU miss Ebus Test
>        Consist DMA Wr, IOMMU hit Ebus Test
>        Pass-Thru DMA Rd, Ebus device Test
>        Pass-Thru DMA Wr, Ebus device Test
>        Consist DMA Rd, IOMMU LRU Lock Ebus Test
>        Consist DMA Wr, IOMMU LRU Locked Ebus Test
> All Basic Cheerio Tests
>        Cheerio Ebus PCI Config Space Test
>        Cheerio Ethernet PCI Config Space Test
>        Cheerio Init
> All Sabre IOMMU Error Reporting Tests
>        Init Sabre
>        PIO Read, Master Abort Test
>        PIO Read, Target Abort Test
> Status of this POST run:        PASS
> manfacturing mode=OFF
> Time Stamp [hour:min:sec] 06:12:50  [month/date year] 06/11 2009
> Power On Selftest Completed
> Software Power ON0.0000.0000.0000 ffff.ffff.f00b.4858 0002.3333.0200.001b
> @(#) Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI 3.31 Version 0 created 2001/07/25 20:36
> Clearing E$ Tags  Done
> Clearing I/D TLBs Done
> Probing Memory Done
> MEM BASE = 0000.0000.1000.0000
> MEM SIZE = 0000.0000.0800.0000
> 11-Column Mode Enabled
> Copy Done
> PC = 0000.01ff.f000.201c
> PC = 0000.0000.0000.2060
> Decompressing into Memory Done
> Size = 0000.0000.0006.eba0
> ttya initialized
> Reset Control: BXIR:0 BPOR:0 SXIR:0 SPOR:1 POR:0
> UltraSPARC-IIi 2-2 module
> Probing Memory Bank #0  64 +  64 : 128 Megabytes
> Probing Memory Bank #2  64 +  64 : 128 Megabytes
> Probing UPA Slot at 1e,0 Nothing There
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1 at Device 1  pci108e,1000 network
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1 at Device 2  SUNW,m64B
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1 at Device 3  ide disk cdrom
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1 at Device 1  scsi disk tape scsi disk tape
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1 at Device 2  Nothing there
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1 at Device 3  Nothing there
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1 at Device 4  Nothing there
> Reset Control: BXIR:0 BPOR:0 SXIR:0 SPOR:1 POR:0
> UltraSPARC-IIi 2-2 module
> Probing Memory Bank #0  64 +  64 : 128 Megabytes
> Probing Memory Bank #2  64 +  64 : 128 Megabytes
> Probing UPA Slot at 1e,0 Nothing There
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1 at Device 1  pci108e,1000 network
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1 at Device 2  SUNW,m64B
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1 at Device 3  ide disk cdrom
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1 at Device 1  scsi disk tape scsi disk tape
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1 at Device 2  Nothing there
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1 at Device 3  Nothing there
> Probing /p...@1f,0/p...@1 at Device 4  Nothing there
> Sun Ultra 5/10 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 300MHz), No Keyboard
> OpenBoot 3.31, 256 MB (60 ns) memory installed, Serial #10409842.
> Ethernet address 8:0:20:9e:d7:72, Host ID: 809ed772.
> ============================================================
> To finish, and out of curiosity, I tried to see if I could boot either
> bsd or bsd.rd using Solaris's boot loader:
> ============================================================
> # cp /root/bsd /bsd
> # gunzip < /root/bsd.rd > /bsd.rd
> # chmod 755 /bsd /bsd.rd
> [...]
> ok boot disk /bsd
> Boot device: /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/i...@3/d...@0,0  File and args: /bsd
> Illegal Instruction
> ok boot disk /bsd.rd
> Resetting ...
> [...]
> Boot device: /p...@1f,0/p...@1,1/i...@3/d...@0,0  File and args: /bsd.rd
> Fast Data Access MMU Miss
> ============================================================
> Well, I didn't really expect that to work, but it was mildly
> interesting to see that the little twirling thing from Solaris's boot
> loader at least went on for a little while before giving an error
> message.
> Anyway, so I'm stuck.  If anyone has an idea about what the problem
> might be or how I could proceed from here, I'd really appreciate...
> Thanks a lot,
> Philippe

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