On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 09:42:06PM -0700, David Newman wrote:
> On 6/16/09 4:36 PM, Jason Dixon wrote:
> > 
> > Why are you starting your network interfaces and adding routes in
> > rc.local?  
> I maintain these systems, but did not do the initial setup or
> configuration.
> > Have you read the FAQ to learn how OpenBSD networking is
> > configured?
> Yes, and read the ifconfig and rc and pf.conf manpages and searched the
> misc mailing list on marc.info. I saw info on pf and carp and pfsync and
>  VLANs, but not on how they work together.
> dn
> hostname.bge0 -- unprotected physical interface
> inet 666.1.2.188 NONE
> hostname.bge1 -- protected physical interface
> inet NONE
> hostname.carp1 -- unprotected logical interface
> inet 666.1.2.130 666.1.2.191 vhid 202 carpdev bge0
> advskew 1 pass sekret123
> hostname.em0 -- pfsync physical interface
> inet NONE media autoselect
> hostname pfsync0 -- pfsync logical interface
> up syncdev em0

Honestly, I don't trust much of what you've pasted.  You're using
invalid IPv4 addresses and have hostname.carp1 on 2 lines (is that
wrapped?).  You also don't list a carp interface for bge1.

I would suggest booting into single-user and using netstart for each of
the physical and carp interfaces until you find out where your
misconfiguration is.  Set it all up manually, document it, then use
hostname.* to properly bring up your interfaces and routes.  Get rid of
that junk in rc.local.

# sh /etc/netstart bge0
# sh /etc/netstart bge1
# sh /etc/netstart carp1
# sh /etc/netstart em0
# sh /etc/netstart pfsync0


Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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