Siju George wrote:
> Hi,
> Trying to assign 512 MB memory to a qemu vrtual machine resulted in the error.
> $ sudo qemu -m 512  -hda wd0.img -hdb wd1.img -cdrom LATEST-Devel.iso
> Could not map physical memory
> -m 493 works
> -m 494 & -m 495 gives segmentation fault

> Is it a bug in qemu that should be fixed?
> how can I assign more than 493 MB memory for qemu virtual machines?

One more thing, giving a qemu host "X" Meg memory doesnt mean Qemu only
uses X(+little) megs of RAM. I think I saw figures like 2-3x what I gave
the guest IIRC, so whatever the limits are, they wont be close to 493M.

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