Hello list.

I know this is a very simple issue, but I can't find a quick answer and I don't 
have much time to google around; I need the thing working in short time.

OpenBSD + PF firewall, connecting 3 "internal" networks to an "external" one.
The firewall has 5 NICs, re0 to re4; re0 is connected to the external network, 
re1 to re3 to internal networks; re4 is currently unused.
I have a single "external" IP mapped on re0 and 3 "nat" pf rules, one for each 
"internal" network, plus some basic filtering. Very simple, works ok.

Now I need to get a second "public" address and create a 1:1 map to an 
"internal" host.
I understand I have to use a "binat" rule, which looks very simple, but I still 
miss the whole procedure.

I suppose somehow I have to map the second public address to re0, then apply 
the binat rule; otherwise I can use re4.

Can someone point me to some proper documentation, some howtos,...?
Otherwise, can someone give me a list of the logical steps to achieve this 
trivial goal?

Thank you all!


Hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi

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