I am running a soekris net5501 with OBSD 4.4 and a ral PCI wifi card.

I have my network windows set high for my 5MB cable connection, but I'd
really like a smaller window size for the wireless interface.

inet NONE media OFDM54 mediaopt hostap mode 11g
nwid NWID nwkey NWKEY chan 1 description wifi up
[ Using WEP till I get WPA2 working with my IPOD Touch ]

net.inet.tcp.rfc3390=1          # 0=Disable RFC3390 for TCP window
net.inet.tcp.recvspace=65535   # Increase TCP "recieve" windows size to
increase performance
net.inet.tcp.sendspace=65535   # Increase TCP "send" windows size to
increase performance
net.inet.udp.recvspace=65535   # Increase UDP "recieve" windows size to
increase performance
net.inet.udp.sendspace=65535   # Increase UDP "send" windows size to
increase performance

ral0 at pci0 dev 14 function 0 "Ralink RT2561S" rev 0x00: irq 10, address
ral0: MAC/BBP RT2561C, RF RT2527

I have googled and rtfm'd but I cannot see how to set a per interface/route
tcp/udp window size on OpenBSD. Is this even possible ?

Rick Ballard
Dartmouth,Nova Scotia, Canada

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