2009/7/10 Sorkin Dima <dsor...@techunix.technion.ac.il>

> Hi,
>  I am new to OpenBSD and to BSD in general.
>  I have copiled the Yudit editor on OpenBSD, and it seems that
> the OpenBSD-4.0 on my machine (pentium-4) does not support locales.
> Are there any docs on the localization of OpenBSD or *BSD ?
> Please CC me on replies, I am not signed to the mailing list.
> Thank you, regards,
>  Dima.
> P.S.
>  The error by Yudit:
> ---------------
> # yudit
> No locale support on this machine.
> No locale support on this machine.
> ---------------
> OpenBSD does not support internationalization, whenever I need to write
things in
my native language I use an emacs feature.

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