On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 06:14:18PM +0200, Jan Stary wrote:
> When installing 4.5 on an ALIX (see dmesg below) the

ALIX is a good choice!

> phase of actually untar'ing the tgz sets was very slow:
> sets became -stalled- even if untared from local disk (pre-downloaded).

I suppose you use an CF-card with about x133 speed. I had the same problem.
After using a card with at least x233 speed I didn't have that problem when
untaring anymore.

> The installation (sans X) took about an hour because of that.

And you will wait ages when untaring and compiling the kernel ...

> it was even async, which makes me curious about the install slowness. 
> Could the card or the exact mount options be the cause of that?

The card.

> I am not trying to tweak the machine in any way to become 'faster';
> once installed, it runs just fine. I just don't want to spend an hour
> waiting for the tgz's to untar on the next reinstall.

The hardware in itself is fast enogh -- it's only the poor I/O that slows
everything down.

> wd0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0: <ELITE PRO CF CARD 4GB>

Better spend your money for a fast 2 GB card than for a slow 4 GB.


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