
I suppose that according to the Makefile for the extensions all of
them should be enabled. I also suppose that the correct extension_dir
path for the modules to be placed would be:


However, this isnt the case... where do I get the modules from to
activate them in the php.ini ?



On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Bryan<> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 20:25, Andres Salazar<> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> OpenBSD 4.5 stable
>> I have done the following:
>> cd /usr/ports/www/php5/core; make; make install;
>> cd /usr/ports/www/php5/extensions; make; make intall;
>> That according to pkg_info installed:
>> php5-core-5.2.10 B  B server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
>> php5-extensions-5.2.10 informational package about PHP5 extensions
>> The instructions after finishing the extensions compiling said:
>> --- php5-extensions-5.2.10 -------------------
>> This is a place-holder package to inform you that the PHP port is
>> now split into small sub-packages, designed to allow you to install
>> modules independently of the main PHP engine.
>> For example, to install the IMAP module, just pkg_add the
>> php5-imap-5.2.10.tgz package and activate it using the
>> 'phpxs' command.
>> I tried doing pkg_add php5-mysql-5.2.10.tar however that just tries to
>> install it from the packages (and off course it wont becuase the
>> packages offers 5.2.8)... and then the phpxs command doesnt exist.
>> What am I missing to actually finish the install of all the php5
> extensions?
> I believe the instructions are in the "php-core" package.  Back in the
> day, I would issue "phpxs" and the extension name to enable it... but
> I may be wrong...
> Regards,
> Bryan

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