On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 05:17:33PM +0200, Piotrek Kapczuk wrote:
> Errr ... Maybe I was not specific enough. I'm talking about 'man 4
> urtw'. How can it be driver independent ?

'Adapter independent' might be more correct.

> I've just checked and I also see in 'urtw(4)' manpage that driver can
> operate in IBSS ad-hoc mode, but I can't do it.

Maybe the situation is: The driver can with most adapters, but, for some
reason, not with your particular adapter.

AFAIK, hostap mode is crappy with most drivers, since they doesn't vary
the sending strength (AKA 'power saving') and the clients expect this.
It might be easier and better to buy a blackbox access point device,
connect it to your OpenBSD box and make it act as a bridge.


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