I recently tried to upgrade several of my OpenBSD machines to 4.5 (X86). I
also upgraded the Amanda clients on them to 2.6.1, which I have working on
FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris 5, Solaris 8, and HP-UX. 

Despite my best efforts, I have yet to get the OpenBSD 4.5 clients to back
up correctly. All the configurations are set up to match what has been done
on FreeBSD. Amcheck works fine, and when I start a backup, the size
estimates step works. But 80% of the time the actual dumps fail. They
start, but fail in mid dump. They are returning a EAGAIN error on the
network pipes back to the Amanda master machine. I have connected one of the
OpenBSD machines directly to the Amanda master with a crossover cable to
eliminate any possible firewall/router et all issues.

I notice that the port of Amanda is quite an old version, and the
developers of this project are (unfortunately) breaking compatibility with
older clients. I don't like this, but, at this point in time, it is beyond
my resources to address this breakage.

Has anyone gotten an newer version of Amanda to work on OpenBSD 4.5? Can
anyone suggest what I should do to try to diagnose this problem further?

One of the main causes of the fall of the roman empire was that, lacking
zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C

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