On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Ivan Radovanovic<riv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your respone. If I understand you correctly pf kernel module
> actually supports operating with tables based on positive conditions (ie not
> only when rule is broken, but also when rule is true), and the way to define
> rules of that kind is using directly some of IOCTLs documented in pf(4)?
> Plese confirm if that is true, since I couldn't find that kind of
> functionality with pfctl(8) (I tried making conditions with
> max-src-conn-rate set to 0 with idea that making one connection will break
> this rule so I could add ip in table that way, but pfctl(8) is too smart to
> accept rules with max-src-conn-rate set to 0)

There is no need to write any C code with pf(4) ioctls.

A simple pf.conf should get you what you want. What do you mean by
max-src-conn-rate set to zero?

I think you are needlessly complicating things. If your goal is to
send reset, then
you can always do them with pf in a much more straight forward manner.

set block-policy return <bad-guys>

Try to keep things simple.

Gayatri Hitech
web: http://gayatri-hitech.com

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