On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 14:40 +0200, Joachim Schipper wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 09:43:24AM +0200, Bernd 'Siggy' Brentrup wrote:

> I'm fairly certain xterm_* is a Debian/Ubuntu "improvement": at least,
> http://www.mutt.org/doc/devel/manual.html doesn't know about either
> option. If it's important to you, you may be able to get the patches
> from the Debian package to apply against OpenBSD's port.

If find it quite convenient to see selected status in the xterm title
while reading e.g. a crossposted mail.

> Colors do work, with a proper TERM setting (e.g. xterm-xfree86 or
> xterm-color; plain xterm doesn't work, since there are things that
> identify as xterm but don't handle color.) Try setting TERM properly
> and/or running "env TERM=xterm-color mutt".

Sorry you're too late to earn credit on this, Luis pointed me in
the right direction before I saw your post :)

> Threading definitely works for me, although you can get some display
> issues if the characters sets used don't match. Feel free to ask for the
> details; your original post was sufficiently unclear that I cannot guess
> your problem.

I was unclear on purpose because I wanted to investigate these problems
myself.  Solution is: on Debian systems default is 'sort=threads' while
openbsd has 'sort=date'.  After adding 'set sort=threads' to .muttrc
this file now works on all my systems as I want it to.

Thanks to all who responded on list or privately.  Because one of the
private ones stands out by being written in german I'll answer that
one in a separate private mail.

Impressed by the way this thread worked
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