hmm, on Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:50:23AM +0200, Robert said that
> adduser is something interactiv which makes is easy to do manually.
> useradd is what i use in my scripts with lots of options i only have to
> look up once to have them right in that case.
> Should one of them removed? No?! They serve different usage scenarios.

call me tunnel visioned, but then every and all unix utility
could have an "interactive" version...  if there is a need
for a "handholding slash interactive" version, the ports tree
can surely offer something.

for example rmuser has no extra functionality over userdel whatsoever.

amaaq$ sudo userdel test
userdel: No such user `test'

amaaq$ sudo rmuser test
/usr/sbin/rmuser: Error: User test not in password database

amaaq$ sudo rmuser
Enter login name for user to remove: test
/usr/sbin/rmuser: Error: User test not in password database

this is called "bloat".  two programs for the same thing
with no added benefit at all.

what is my point really?  those perl scripts are awfully aged.
they are without strict, use hacks (reading passwd.master byte
by byte instead of getpw*, etc.) -- they are overengineered,
full of hacks and stick out of openbsd like an xml parser
in the kernel.

foied vinom pipafo, cra carefo.

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