On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 05:52:29PM +0200, Toni Mueller wrote:
> Hi,
> thank you for your answer!
> On Sat, 19.09.2009 at 12:11:43 +0000, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> 
> wrote:
> > SADB entries are not normal routing table entries, they take priority.
> This is what I suspected. But even given those IPSEC semantics (they
> are documented where, please?), the 172.22/16 network lies on the LAN
> and not on the WAN side of things. I also don't see how traffic from
> different locations would be able to reach the LAN, if it weren't, and,
> most confusingly, although I forgot to mention this in my earlier
> posts, DHCP works. I can make the gateway a DHCP server, and it can
> deal out leases to the LAN, but it cannot answer a ping, nor an NTP or
> DNS packet. This leads to the idea that the operating system already
> knows how to route packets correctly, and therefore, I suspected the
> observed behaviour to be a bug.

All of this is not surprising. If the "IPsec route" (SA flow) overrides
normal routing table stuff, as Stuart pointed out, the "LAN side"
doesn't mean anything - the IPsec route matches your traffic,
so it goes through the tunnel. (If it didn't match, the normal routing
table would be consulted next, and it would properly use the LAN

DHCP uses raw sockets, and bypasses all routing tables.

I expect pf rules - which *can* override IPsec routes - are responsible
for the rest of your observations.


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