Hi all,

is there any guide about compatibility of (OpenBSD) FFS filesystem and disklabel among different hardware platforms? As I understand it, FFS filesystems on architectures with different byte endianess are not mutually compatible. What about different word length with same byte-endianess? Is FFS2 any different in this respect? The FAQ suggests that that i386 and amd64 are not mutually compatible.

From http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq12.html#amd64better :

12.3.3 - Is it always better to run OpenBSD/amd64 on processors that
         support it?

   Not always.

    There are a number of reasons one may desire to use OpenBSD/i386 over
    OpenBSD/amd64, even on hardware that supports amd64 code:
    * Need for ability to move disks to another machine that isn't amd64

Do I understand it right that disks (FFS, disklabel?) from OpenBSD/i386 cannot be accessed on OpenBSD/amd64 or vice versa? I want to share external backup disks among different architectures and do not want to screw my data. What is the solution then?

Thanks for your help.


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