hmm, on Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 06:36:17PM -0700, Aaron Stellman said that
> take a look at
> ./examples/n-marriott.conf in

thanks for the pointer.
it seems that i am missing new-session before creating new-window's.

set -g visual-bell on
set -g prefix C-x

unbind C-b
  bind x        send-prefix
  bind C-x      send-prefix
  bind C-x      last
  bind ' '      next
  bind C-' '    next
  bind '"'      choose-window
  bind bspace   previous-window


selectw -t 0

i found it a bit confusing that if i started tmux with no parameters,
then after creating my 0 session from the config file, tmux goes
on to create another one:

0: 3 windows (created Tue Sep 22 04:25:12 2009) [80x24]
1: 1 windows (created Tue Sep 22 04:25:12 2009) [99x25] (attached)

because new-session is the implied command if no parameters are
specified on the command line:

     command [flags]
                   This specifies one of a set of commands used to control
                   tmux, as described in the following sections.  If no com-
                   mands are specified, the new-session command is assumed.

this is probably up to personal preference, but i think in the case of
sessions/windows explicitly specified in the config file, attach-session
would be a more intuitive assumed command. those sessions/windows are
probably the ones the user will want to use and creating an entirely new
and isolated session would be probably a much less often used scenario..
(not that typing "tmux a" is so much more than "tmux", it's just the

one could also look at it from an ontogenetic perspective: just before
starting tmux the sessions/windows inside .tmux.conf do not exist as
such, that's why i haven't thought of starting tmux with attach -- there
was nothing to attach to basically.

as a (very) long time screen user, let me state it that tmux
is looking great and i will be holding a screen good bye party
one of these days.  it was a great idea to include it in base.
(now only if apache would get the boot)  thanks for the great job.

the worst vice of a fanatic is his sincerity.

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