Nick Hogan wrote:

> Ed Ahlsen-Girard wrote:
> > It seems to me that Thunderbird performance on the 9/21
> > snapshot is pretty bad.  What I see is a lag of minutes before
> > downloaded messages actually display.  I have one account delivering to
> > the Local folders. Under the 9/17 snapshot the message download usually
> > stopped before getting all the new messages.
> ?  Not entirely sure what you are saying, but sounds like something
> was not happy there, too.

This meant that T-Bird quit downloading when I knew (via webmail) that there were new messages remaining.

> > Dmesg follows.  I don't
> > know what other info would help, I will send if asked.
> >
> > OpenBSD 4.6-current (GENERIC) #178: Mon Sep 21 13:47:26 MDT 2009
> >
> > cpu0: Intel Pentium III ("GenuineIntel" 686-class, 512KB L2 cache) 449 MHz
> > cpu0:
> > SSE
> > real mem  = 268009472 (255MB)
> > avail mem = 251285504 (239MB)
> Thunderbird on a 450MHz machine with 256M RAM? OUCH. You win a prize for
> patience already...
> My guess is something has just pushed you over the edge (you weren't ever
> far from it, I suspect), and you are now swapping and it wasn't before.
> "top" will give you a pretty good idea what is going on there if I'm right.
> Nick.
You're probably right; when I cleaned out the inbox (by about 50%) performance picked way up. It also may be related to this being configured to deliver to local folders, which I have not done before now.

In any case I intend to get 21st Century hardware soon.

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