On 14 October 2009 c. 22:46:07 Pieter Verberne wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just configured ssh to listen on port 2222 to prevent
> logfile-filling because of failed login attempts from botnets. Now
> rdist is not working anymore:
> $ rdist -f [distfile]
> pie...@lilium: updating host lilium
> ssh: connect to host lilium port 22: Connection refused
> pie...@lilium: LOCAL ERROR: No input from server.
> pie...@lilium: updating of pie...@lilium finished
> rdist runs this command:
> ssh <host> -l <login_name> rdistd -S
> is there a way to change it in:
> ssh <host> -p 2222 -l <login_name> rdistd -S

You can play with your ~/.ssh/config file, see ssh_config(5).

  Best wishes,
    Vadim Zhukov

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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