On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 01:30:01AM -0600, Anathae E. Townsend wrote:
> Off topic, I know, but I'm hoping some USB programming smart readers
> might know the answer to my question.
> Are there available usb interface chips that an OEM can program the
> PID, VID, and Serial Number without having to specify it in the chip
> Mask?

Yes there are. The Zaurus for instance has an USB device controller.


> If this is possible, USB devices cannot be guaranteed to be unique
> based on PID, VID and Serial number.

No they cannot.  OpenBSD is using:

#define CDCEF_VENDOR_ID        0x0001
#define CDCEF_PRODUCT_ID       0x0001
#define CDCEF_DEVICE_CODE      0x0100

for cdcef(4).



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