Hi Jennifer,

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 02:59:01PM +0800, Jennifer Ma wrote:
| 16 partitions:
| #                size           offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
|   a:        390721905               63  4.2BSD   2048 16384    1
|   c:        390721968                0  unused
| # df -h
| # Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
| /dev/wd0a      1.8G    1.4G    313M    82%    /
| /dev/wd1a      183G    2.0K    174G     0%    /www01

390721905 sectors of 512 bytes each gives you 200049615360 bytes of
storage. That's ~195360952 kilobyte or ~190782 megabyte or ~186
gigabyte. Unlike storage vendors, df considers a kilobyte to be 1024
bytes, a megabyte to be 1048576 bytes and a gigabyte to be 1073741824
bytes; storage vendors take the mega and giga prefixes to take their
original SI meaning. (there's even a small army gathering on the
internet that wants everybody to use special terms for these amounts,
but you can safely ignore them as it doesn't really matter all that
much for practical purposes)

Add to this the fact that the filesystem reserves 5% of space for
"overflowing" purposes (which can only be used by root) and the
numbers add up nicely.

For more details on the reserved space, see the tunefs(8) manpage,
specifically the -m option.


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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