On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 2:42 AM,  <srikant....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Just wanted to share a script with fellow OpenBSD
> desktop users who like to keep minimal non-base
> software on the machine and prefer to use lighter
> alternatives whenever possible.
> This script will help you estimate the total space
> which will be used by a given package as well as
> all the dependencies (recursively).
> It has to be run inside a directory with your
> mirror of all packages. The o/p is a text file
> in /tmp directory.
> This was made quickly for myself long time back.
> Please consider the quality as such. Works for me.
> Hope it can come in handy to someone.
> Take care.
> Srikant.
> ---------
> #!/bin/sh
> # Find the full depency list for a given package
> # in cmd. line
> # Assumes one is in a dir with all packages
> # Temporary files
> tmp_file_1=$(mktemp)
> tmp_file_2=$(mktemp)
> tmp_file_3=$(mktemp)
> echo $1 > $tmp_file_1
> ctr=0
> over=0
> while [ $over -ne 1 ]
> do
>        cat $tmp_file_1 | fgrep -v -f $tmp_file_3 \
>                | xargs -I % pkg_info -f % \
>                | fgrep @depend | cut -d : -f 3 \
>                | grep -v '^$' | sort \
>                | uniq >> $tmp_file_2
>        md5_old=`cat $tmp_file_1 | md5`
>        md5_new=`cat $tmp_file_2 | md5`
>        if [ `echo $md5_new | fgrep -xc $md5_old` -eq 1 ]; then
>                over=1
>        fi
>        cat $tmp_file_1 >> $tmp_file_3
>        cat $tmp_file_2 > $tmp_file_1
>        ctr=$(( ctr+1 ))
> done
> cat $tmp_file_2 | sort | uniq > /tmp/$1-dependencies
> echo "-----" >> /tmp/$1-dependencies
> ctr=$(( ctr-2 ))
> echo "No. of levels of dependencies : $ctr" \
>        >> /tmp/$1-dependencies
> count=`cat $tmp_file_2 | sort | uniq | wc -l | sed 's/ //g'`
> echo "No. of dependencies : $count" \
>        >> /tmp/$1-dependencies
> cat $tmp_file_2 | sort | uniq | xargs -I % pkg_info -s % \
>        | fgrep Size: | awk '{ print $2 }' > $tmp_file_3
> siz=0
> {
> while read rline
> do
>        siz=$(( siz+rline ))
> done
> } < $tmp_file_3
> echo "Estimated total size of dependencies: $siz" \
>        >> /tmp/$1-dependencies
> rm -rf $tmp_file_1
> rm -rf $tmp_file_2
> rm -rf $tmp_file_3

I made a patch to streamline a few things (such as using cat when the
command accepting its output can take a file argument anyway) and put
the rm commands onto one line.  Here it is, in unified format:

--- pkg_estimate.orig.sh        Fri Nov 06 11:59:58 2009
+++ pkg_estimate.sh     Fri Nov 06 12:02:52 2009
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 # Find the full depency list for a given package
 # in cmd. line
 # Assumes one is in a dir with all packages
+#    or PKG_PATH is available

 # Temporary files
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@
 while [ $over -ne 1 ]
-       cat $tmp_file_1 | fgrep -v -f $tmp_file_3 \
+       fgrep -v -f $tmp_file_3 $tmp_file_1 \
                | xargs -I % pkg_info -f % \
                | fgrep @depend | cut -d : -f 3 \
                | grep -v '^$' | sort \
@@ -26,31 +27,28 @@
        cat $tmp_file_1 >> $tmp_file_3
-       cat $tmp_file_2 > $tmp_file_1
+       cp -f $tmp_file_2 $tmp_file_1
        ctr=$(( ctr+1 ))

-cat $tmp_file_2 | sort | uniq > /tmp/$1-dependencies
+sort $tmp_file_2 | uniq > /tmp/$1-dependencies
 echo "-----" >> /tmp/$1-dependencies
 ctr=$(( ctr-2 ))
 echo "No. of levels of dependencies : $ctr" \
        >> /tmp/$1-dependencies
-count=`cat $tmp_file_2 | sort | uniq | wc -l | sed 's/ //g'`
+count=`sort $tmp_file_2 | uniq | wc -l | sed 's/ //g'`
 echo "No. of dependencies : $count" \
        >> /tmp/$1-dependencies

-cat $tmp_file_2 | sort | uniq | xargs -I % pkg_info -s % \
+sort $tmp_file_2 | uniq | xargs -I % pkg_info -s % \
        | fgrep Size: | awk '{ print $2 }' > $tmp_file_3
 while read rline
        siz=$(( siz+rline ))
-} < $tmp_file_3
+done < $tmp_file_3
 echo "Estimated total size of dependencies: $siz" \
        >> /tmp/$1-dependencies

-rm -rf $tmp_file_1
-rm -rf $tmp_file_2
-rm -rf $tmp_file_3
\ No newline at end of file
+rm -rf $tmp_file_1 $tmp_file_2 $tmp_file_3
\ No newline at end of file

Aaron Mason - Programmer, open source addict
I've taken my software vows - for beta or for worse

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